Established in 2007, Four Seasons Skin Care began as a sublet of Elements Beauty Essentials, located in the El Paseo de Saratoga shopping center. In May 2013, Four Season Skin Care relocated its business across the street to Westgate West. At this location, we offered manicures and pedicures along with the quality skin care, hair removal, and eyelash extension services that we are known for. With these new services, we changed our business name to Four Seasons Skin Care and Spa to better reflect the services that we provide.
As of March 1, 2020, we have relocated to 323 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, where we only provide skin care services. We no longer provide nail care services.
Brenda is a licensed esthetician with over 15 years of experience in the field of skin care. Brenda is dedicated to her profession and committed to helping people look and feel their best. As such, she strives to continuously improve her knowledge and techniques, keeping abreast of new innovative skin care products and procedures. Over the years, Brenda has treated many clients whose skin types span the entire spectrum of skin conditions. She has garnered loyalty and support from her clients because she consistently delivers the treatment that best meet their needs.